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Tag: NBA books

“Built to Lose” Book Special With Jake Fischer

Jake Fischer’s “Built to Lose” chronicles the league’s “Tanking Era” with a focus on the 76ers, Suns, Magic, Kings and Lakers.

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Enjoy Aaron’s one-on-one conversation with Bleacher Report writer Jake Fischer on his debut book, “Built to Lose: How the NBA’s Tanking Era Changed the League Forever.”

4:47-5:23: “There was a long Google doc of probably 600 names of people that were this player and his agent and the player’s college coach and every single guy who was ever rostered by that team, guys who were in training camp. And then as you get on the phone with other people, you start to ask also, like, ‘Hey, now that we’ve talked for 20, 30, 40 minutes, and you kind of know who I am a little bit, know the work I’m trying to do, and just the honest conversation I’m trying to have, anybody you think you could put me in touch with that would help me further understand, add another perspective?’ Sometimes I’ll even ask for specific people.”     

14:38-15:47: “For me, before I got into this more newsy space at Bleacher Report, at Sports Illustrated, I was working on “Built to Lose” for a long portion of my time there. I kinda developed a niche at SI of being someone who covered left-of-center stories, like I got coffee with Mike D’Antoni ‘cuz he’s obsessed with Starbucks. And my last thing I ever wrote for SI was a profile on Red Panda, so stuff like that. Continue reading

“From Hang Time to Prime Time” Book Special With Pete Croatto

“From Hang Time to Prime Time” hit shelves three weeks before the 2020-21 NBA season opened. The author joined the podcast to discuss his debut book.

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Author Pete Croatto, whose work has appeared in the New York Times, GQ and, among other places, discusses his debut book, “From Hang Time to Prime Time: Business, Entertainment, and the Birth of the Modern-Day NBA.” Check out some of the highlights below:

5:13-5:45: “You know, I’ve been doing this for a long time – I’ve been a professional writer for 23 years; I’ve been a freelance writer for about 15. And one thing I’ve learned is that this is a job, and I don’t really have time to get wrapped up in the theatrics of writing. … I just have to go and just do it. It was almost like being shot out of a cannon, where you’re kind of like, ‘Alright, I’m just doing this.’”

11:33-12:03: “We assume that it’s always been this way. We assume that games have been available with a click of a button. We assume that we can find our favorite teams’ gear or favorite players’ shoes so easily. But that wasn’t [always] the case. It was a long, hard struggle to get to relevance, and as times goes on and the NBA gets bigger and bigger and the players become bigger stars, we’re gonna forget that. And we’re already forgetting that.” Continue reading

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